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Saturday, 11 June 2016

Exam Stress

Of all my years in secondary school, Year Eleven has by far been the overwhelming of them all: college interviews, prom preparations, coursework. However above all, exams have definitely been the most stressful.

I can't highlight a part of doing exams that is towering over the others (in the anxiety-level category), nor can I recall the exact moment I began feeling stressed for them. I partially believe I've always felt nerves for my leaving school: the terror and nerves of going to college, no longer being with the friends I've grown up with, moreover the idea that the previous five years will have been leading up to a few hours in an exam hall.

The fact is, some days I will have an off-day; wake up moody, or perhaps just have an anxious day. But the thing to remember is it's okay to have a day when you aren't feeling 100%. If it just so happens that a negative-feeling day coincides with an exam, well yes you've drawn the short straw, yet that doesn't mean to not give your all.

At the end of the day, certain exams will go well and others, not so. Yet what's done is done and you won't properly know how it actually went until you collect you results.

It's extremely unfortunate that in this day and age, a piece of paper is what so many aspire to. If, hypothetically, you don't achieve the grades you expected; is that a major issue? There are so many different ways of reaching the same target goal. Yes, if you want to be in the medical industry, or perhaps you aspire to be a lawyer or a scientist, exams will be necessary.

But if you believe in the idea that everything happens for a reason, potentially a different path could be your future. Certain things are meant to be, and others of course, are not.

So if you are going to take amything from this, remember to not put all your hope in getting that one grade, or mark. It is not the be all and end all; try to keep this in mind.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Milly! I love your YouTube channel, you're cool:D I just found your videos because I was looking for something about Louisa Clark's hair & makeup and you're amazing:D Now I'm gonna be your stalker;) please notice me haha my name is Regina Rangel, I'm 21 and I'm from Mexico.
